Klingon Council – interact with the various Great Houses that make up the Klingon Empire.
Federation Council – oversee the application of new members to the Federation, and promote peace in the quadrant.
Tal Shiar / Obsidian Order – dispatch spies to your enemies.
Naval Museum – retire and re-activate older ship designs.
Iconography and Design Bureau – set the uniforms your empire’s leaders wear.
Science Directorate – make choices about the kinds of technology that are made available to research.
Institutions and Agencies allowing for players to set policies and interact with parts of their empire.
Anomalies from every Trek series, such as Lower Deck’s Sentient Cave, The Original Series’ Space Seed, Next Generation’s Power Play, Deep Space Nine’s Meridian, and many, many more.
Rightful Heir, Gambit, Altamid, Romulan Drone Ship, Skorr and many other mid-game event chains.
Many hundreds of events, anomalies, dig sites and crisis chains. From all the classic races such as the Romulans, Klingons, Cardassians and Borg, through to even the more obscure members of the Star Trek Galaxy, such as the Troyans, Paradans, Kzinti, Grazerites, Amaralans, Kessok and more. Over 150 unique species with unique clothing options. Classic designs from Starfleet, the Klingons, Dominion and others sit alongside full shipsets for races such as the Zahl, Ba’ul, Husnock, Karemma, Nyberrite Alliance, Interstellar Concordium, Kreetassan, Nygean, Na’kuhl Protectorate, Vaadwaur Supremacy and many others. Over 600 unique ship sizes and 1,500 ship sections across nearly 70 graphical cultures.